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Rainbow Licorice Treat Bags

These rainbow licorice treat bags are so easy to make and they look so beautiful! Brightly coloured and spring like, just perfect for St. Patrick’s Day or a rainbow themed birthday party!

My oldest daughter turned 7 this week. SEVEN! Apparently I’ve turned into that paranoid mom who keeps her kids home from school to keep them from getting sick. But there’s a really bad bug going around at school right now and I didn’t want my daughter to be sick for her birthday party. I sound crazy, I know. But 3 out of her 7 birthdays our family has gotten the stomach bug right on her birthday. That’s really bad luck!

And kids birthday parties. Wow, don’t get me started! I’m apparently NOT one of those moms who breezes through them. I drop my kids off at all these birthday parties, and most of the parents seem so well put together! Calm. Collected. They look like they’ve got it under control. But as all the parents were dropping their kids off at my daughter’s birthday party over the weekend (10 kids between the ages of 5 and 7… oh help me…), I was in full on panic mode on the inside… and probably on the outside too… Those kids have ENERGY! Wow.

The only saving grace is that every once in awhile I’ll pick my kids up from a birthday party, and one (or both) of the parents look like they’re about ready to hide in the closet with a bottle of wine… lol… Now, THOSE parents are keeping it real. They makes me feel more normal, like we’re all surviving this crazy world of parenting together. haha

These rainbow licorice treat bags are SO SIMPLE and they look so cute! They're the perfect treat to make for St. Patrick's Day or even a rainbow birthday party!

This year, between keeping the girls home two extra days, and making these LUCKY pot of gold licorice rainbows (sure, I’m going to go ahead and be superstitious and say these lucky charms had something to do with it! 😉 ), we managed to stay healthy! Yay!!! And my daughter had an amazing birthday party!

These rainbow licorice treat bags were inspired by the super cute goody bags over at Our Best Bites. So simple, and so cute, and my kids were sooooo excited to get them!

Rainbow Licorice Treat Bags – Pot of Gold St. Patrick’s Day Licorice Rainbows

The full printable directions are at the end of this post, but here’s what you’ll need:

I bought the rainbow licorice at Walmart and I found the gold coin chocolates at the dollar store.

These rainbow licorice treat bags are SO SIMPLE and they look so cute! They're the perfect treat to make for St. Patrick's Day or even a rainbow birthday party!

I live in Canada, so all I could find were gold $1 Loonie coins.

These rainbow licorice treat bags are SO SIMPLE and they look so cute! They're the perfect treat to make for St. Patrick's Day or even a rainbow birthday party!

The great thing about Twizzlers is that the rainbow package has all of the colours of the rainbow! Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple!

These rainbow licorice treat bags are SO SIMPLE and they look so cute! They're the perfect treat to make for St. Patrick's Day or even a rainbow birthday party!

It’s hard to see here, but this is what the cellophane bags looked like. (The link to the type of cellophane bags I bought is in the list of materials above.) I bought them loose at the bulk store.

These rainbow licorice treat bags are SO SIMPLE and they look so cute! They're the perfect treat to make for St. Patrick's Day or even a rainbow birthday party!

Don’t cut the licorice. It works much better if you leave them at the length they come in.

Start by bending a purple piece of licorice in half, pinching the two ends together, and lowering it into the bag. You’ll want the two ends to be about 1″ from the edge of the bag on both sides to leave room for the other licorice colours.

There are folds in the cellophane bag – Try to get the licorice behind the folds so that the gold coins can go in front of the rainbow.

These rainbow licorice treat bags are SO SIMPLE and they look so cute! They're the perfect treat to make for St. Patrick's Day or even a rainbow birthday party!

Add one colour of licorice at a time, shaping the rainbow and making sure the pieces are stuck together as you go.

These rainbow licorice treat bags are SO SIMPLE and they look so cute! They're the perfect treat to make for St. Patrick's Day or even a rainbow birthday party!

Work your way through all the colours of the rainbow!

These rainbow licorice treat bags are SO SIMPLE and they look so cute! They're the perfect treat to make for St. Patrick's Day or even a rainbow birthday party!

Then add the gold coins, and place them on top of the rainbow, in front of the folds in the bottom of the cellophane bag.

These rainbow licorice treat bags are SO SIMPLE and they look so cute! They're the perfect treat to make for St. Patrick's Day or even a rainbow birthday party!

Since my gold $1 Loonie coins were so large, I only put 4 coins in each bag, but it will depend how large your gold coins are.

These rainbow licorice treat bags are SO SIMPLE and they look so cute! They're the perfect treat to make for St. Patrick's Day or even a rainbow birthday party!

This step is optional, but I find it really helps. If you have any tiny elastics lying around the house (or you can get them at the dollar store), they are fantastic for holding the bag closed so you can tie on your ribbon.

These rainbow licorice treat bags are SO SIMPLE and they look so cute! They're the perfect treat to make for St. Patrick's Day or even a rainbow birthday party!

Pinch the top of the bag closed with your fingers, then stretch the elastic over top and into place.

These rainbow licorice treat bags are SO SIMPLE and they look so cute! They're the perfect treat to make for St. Patrick's Day or even a rainbow birthday party!

Then cut out a piece of apple green ribbon and tie it around the elastic. The ribbon should cover up the elastic, but if it doesn’t, just snip the elastic and pull it out if it’s visible.

These rainbow licorice treat bags are SO SIMPLE and they look so cute! They're the perfect treat to make for St. Patrick's Day or even a rainbow birthday party!

These are so cute! And really quick to make!

These rainbow licorice treat bags are SO SIMPLE and they look so cute! They're the perfect treat to make for St. Patrick's Day or even a rainbow birthday party!

In the bags of Twizzlers I bought there were exactly 5 pieces of each colour. So you can make 5 treat bags from one bag of licorice.

These rainbow licorice treat bags are SO SIMPLE and they look so cute! They're the perfect treat to make for St. Patrick's Day or even a rainbow birthday party!

Rainbow Licorice Treat Bags

Such a fun and simple treat bag idea!


  • Rainbow Twizzlers
  • Gold Coins
  • Cellophane Bags
  • Green Ribbon
  • Tiny Elastics


  • Gently bend a piece of purple licorice in half, pinching the two ends. (Don't cut the licorice)
  • Lower the licorice into the bottom of a cellophane bag, leaving about 1" of empty space on either side of the ends for the next colours. Try to insert the licorice so the ends are behind the folds in the cellophane bag.
  • Lower in a piece of blue licorice and shape it evenly so it arches over the purple piece of licorice.
  • Add the green, yellow, orange and red pieces of licorice, shaping the rainbow as you go.
  • Add gold coins over the rainbow so they are in front of the folds in the cellophane bag.
  • Pinch the bag closed and stretch a tiny elastic over the cellophane bag to hold it closed.
  • Cut a piece of ribbon and tie it in a bow around the tiny elastic. If the elastic is still visible after you tie the ribbon, snip the elastic with a pair of scissors and pull it out.


One bag of Twizzlers will make 5 rainbow treat bags.

These rainbow licorice treat bags are SO SIMPLE and they look so cute! They're the perfect treat to make for St. Patrick's Day or even a rainbow birthday party!

These rainbow licorice treat bags are SO EASY to make and they look so cute! They are a perfect treat to make for St. Patrick’s Day and would make adorable goody bags to give out at a rainbow birthday party. Such a fun and simple treat bag idea!

If you’re looking for more fun rainbow themed activities to try with the kids, check out our Sharpie Dyed Rainbow Coasters. These are simple to make and turn into such a fun keepsake!

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