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How to Make Fresh Fruit Popsicles

These fresh fruit popsicles are such a colourful and delicious way to stay cool this summer! They are seriously gorgeous and they’re so easy to make! They’d make a great summer treat, afternoon snack, or even a breakfast for the road (well, part of a breakfast anyway. I don’t know about you, but I eat more than that for breakfast…).

We bought a raspberry bush from Kijiji last weekend (that’s our equivalent of Craigslist here in Canada). Not just a couple of stalks, but a whole freaking raspberry bush. I am beyond excited about the idea of going outside and having fresh raspberries every single day! We packed the kids into the van, drove out to some lady’s house, and the three kids ran around her tiny back yard like hooligans while my husband dug out the raspberry bush (it was bigger than we were expecting).

This lady clearly didn’t have any children, so the only thing for the kids to play on was a step stool. And wow, you wouldn’t believe how many times I had to make a mad dash to grab one of the kids before they stepped in this lady’s perfect garden beds! Shows how much of a green thumb I have lately, because clearly, my kids are not used to the concept of a garden bed.

These fresh fruit popsicles are SO PRETTY! What a delicious and refreshing treat idea for summer! They're so easy to make and they're super healthy!

We paid her $20 for the bush (I have no idea if that’s a good deal or not? I thought it was a steal of a deal for a whole raspberry bush, but we did have to dig it out ourselves, so the jury is still out…) and we headed back home. We had a few insect scares on the way home as they crawled off the bush and around the van while we drove. But we got everyone home in one piece and my husband got to work planting our new bush in one of our raised garden beds while I wheeled our littlest guy in circles around the backyard in the wagon.

My husband has blueberry bushes and strawberry plants growing in containers, but in the four years (maybe more?) that we’ve had them, we’ve never gotten more than a couple dozen berries from them. But I have high hopes for these raspberries! Maybe next year I’ll be able to use garden berries for these fresh fruit popsicles!

Fresh Fruit Popsicles | Fruit Salad Ice Pops

The full printable recipe is at the bottom of this post, but here’s what you’ll need:

  • Kiwis

  • Strawberries

  • Blueberries

  • Raspberries

  • Peaches

  • Apple Juice

  • Popsicle Molds

These fresh fruit popsicles are SO PRETTY! What a delicious and refreshing treat idea for summer! They're so easy to make and they're super healthy!

Peel and slice all of the fruit. The photo below shows the peaches with the skin still on, but I changed my mind and peeled it at the last second. It really didn’t bother me, but I didn’t think the kids would enjoy picking out peach skins from their popsicles.

These fresh fruit popsicles are SO PRETTY! What a delicious and refreshing treat idea for summer! They're so easy to make and they're super healthy!

Fill each popsicle mold with fruit as full as you can get it. Use a popsicle stick to press the fruit against the side of the mold. I used the popsicle stick to push the fruit to one side so I could add more fruit beside it too. Just work it all in there.

I got my popsicle molds at Walmart, but you can get nearly identical ones on Amazon here.

These fresh fruit popsicles are SO PRETTY! What a delicious and refreshing treat idea for summer! They're so easy to make and they're super healthy!

I tried to pack it all in, right up to the top. I used the blueberries and raspberries to fill the empty spaces and added a few on top. Mine were definitely overflowing with fruit when I was done!

These fresh fruit popsicles are SO PRETTY! What a delicious and refreshing treat idea for summer! They're so easy to make and they're super healthy!

The more pressed against the side you can get the fruit, the better it will look in the end! It’s okay for it to not be perfect – it really won’t make a huge difference – just do your best to press it all against the side. This is what mine looked like before I added the juice.


These fresh fruit popsicles are SO PRETTY! What a delicious and refreshing treat idea for summer! They're so easy to make and they're super healthy!

Next, pour in the apple juice. Mine were so full with fruit, that it really didn’t take a whole lot to fill them up! Probably less than 1/4 cup of juice each. Make sure you leave about 1/8″ between the top of the juice and the top of the mold. Remember, liquids expand when you freeze them, and you really don’t want these overflowing in the freezer.

These fresh fruit popsicles are SO PRETTY! What a delicious and refreshing treat idea for summer! They're so easy to make and they're super healthy!

Next, shimmy in the popsicle sticks. You should have two layers of fruit (one for each side of the mold), so it should be fairly easy to get the popsicle sticks in. The fruit will hold the popsicles in place, so you don’t need to support them with anything.

These fresh fruit popsicles are SO PRETTY! What a delicious and refreshing treat idea for summer! They're so easy to make and they're super healthy!

Don’t they look gorgeous?! So bright, beautiful and fresh looking! Yum!

These fresh fruit popsicles are SO PRETTY! What a delicious and refreshing treat idea for summer! They're so easy to make and they're super healthy!

I put mine in the freezer overnight to freeze. If you have trouble getting them out of the molds, just run the molds under hot water to get them to release. Once I ran mine under hot water they came out no problem.

These fresh fruit popsicles are SO PRETTY! What a delicious and refreshing treat idea for summer! They're so easy to make and they're super healthy!

They’re so fresh and summery! And did I mention that they taste amazing too? A sweet berry combination of summer flavours and a great way to stay cool!

These fresh fruit popsicles are SO PRETTY! What a delicious and refreshing treat idea for summer! They're so easy to make and they're super healthy!

These fresh fruit popsicles are an awesome summer treat! They also make a super healthy afternoon snack if you need a little pick-me-up. It’s a great way to take your fruit on the road!

These fresh fruit popsicles are SO PRETTY! What a delicious and refreshing treat idea for summer! They're so easy to make and they're super healthy!

Fresh Fruit Popsicles | Fruit Salad Ice Pops

Such a yummy and refreshing treat for summer!

Servings: 8


  • 2 Kiwis
  • 2 Peaches
  • 1 cup Strawberries
  • 1/2 cup Raspberries
  • 1/2 cup Blueberries
  • 2 cups Apple Juice


  • Peel and slice the kiwis and peaches into 1/4" slices
  • Slice the strawberries into thirds.
  • Press the strawberry, kiwi and peach slices into the bottom of each mold. Use a popsicle stick to press them against the sides of the mold.
  • Add blueberries and raspberries to fill the gaps.
  • Add as much fruit as you can fit into the mold, continuing to press it against the sides.
  • Fill the molds with apple juice, leaving about 1/8" space at the top for the juice to expand when it freezes.
  • Freeze the popsicles overnight.
  • Run the molds under hot water to help the popsicles release.
  • Enjoy!

These fresh fruit popsicles are SO PRETTY! What a delicious and refreshing treat idea for summer! They're so easy to make and they're super healthy!

I have wanted to make fresh fruit popsicles for a long time now, and I’m so glad I did! They are amazing! Such a yummy and refreshing treat for summer! I love how easy and healthy they are! I can’t wait to use garden fresh berries in them next year!

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