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Happy 100th Post! Jumping man on a trampoline tattoo

This is officially my 100th post on this blog!  I have worked crazy (obsessively) hard and have had tons of fun in the process!  One hundred posts may not be a lot in the grand blogging scheme, but it’s an important milestone and I’m surprisingly excited about it!    So I am here today to celebrate my 100 posts, even if I’m the only one who cares or ever even reads this!

Jumping man on trampoline

And since I’m celebrating, I’m sharing a simple and fun idea to keep your kids (or you) occupied.  We have had so much fun with these jumping man on a trampoline tattoos all week!   I’m not going to lie, I looked down at mine all day and smiled as he jumped!   (I’m not sure if this is the original source, but it’s where I got the idea).

In celebration of my 100th post, here are a few stats to look back on:

  • Category:  Mommy blog / mostly tutorials

  • Date that I started: December 11, 2012

  • Days that I haven’t posted anything: 6 days

  • Visits and Pageviews: 8,339 Visits and 13,916 Pageviews

  • Advertisting income earned to date: $23.93 (ouch! gotta work on that one!)

  • Biggest traffic day: 415 Visits (yesterday!)

  • Average time per post: 2-5 hours depending on how complicated my project is

  • Likes on Facebook: 5   (Pleeeeeeease like me!? You can connect to my Facebook page by clicking here or on the button at the top of the page.)

  • The post with the most PageviewsHow to make a tulle bedskirt

How to make a tulle bedskirt

cloth diapers for a baby doll

3 Ways to make your own hooded towels

3rd birthday cake fiasco

make your own snow paint

Fabric flower headband tutorial

We moved in October 2012, and I started this blog as a fun way to document turning our house into a home.  (That and when we moved we didn’t bother getting cable TV, so I needed another way to pass the time after the kids were in bed).  I have been pretty distracted by all these projects and I haven’t actually done a whole lot of work on our house yet – as you’ll see from the decorating category – but there is still a ton of work to be done!  Who knew blogging would be so addictive and would make you try so many different things!?

If you are reading this, thank you!  I hope you’ll check out the rest of the site and come back again soon!

Just because I am so entertained by these, here’s another one:

Balloon man jumping on hand

Here are jpegs in case the animated gifs didn’t work properly:

Jumping man on trampoline              Balloon man jumping

Here’s a list of some of my favourite link parties!

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