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Halloween Candy People

When I first became a parent, I tried to be strict. No candy. It’s not healthy, right? Let’s fill those bellies with some healthy fruits and vegetables. Oh wait, you don’t like healthy fruits and vegetables? How about if you eat your vegetables, I’ll let you have some candy? That seems like a reasonable negotiation?

But that, my friends, is when it all went down hill.

On came child #2, who is now 4 years old and she’s a complete candy addict. That “Finish your dinner and you can have some candy” thing kind of stuck. Which is okay, I guess. I mean, if they reeeeeeeally want candy, they end up eating their dinners. It kind of seems like a win to me? You know, other than that time I found my 4 year old hiding under a chair at 7am with a mostly empty bag of gummy worms. (*sigh* I’ve created monsters…)

And don’t get me started with child #3, who is nearly 2 years old. You can’t negotiate with a 22 month old. He doesn’t understand. Now my 6 year old and 4 year old have to hide behind the kitchen counter to eat their candy if they finish their dinners. Otherwise my 22 month old immediately stops eating his dinner, and angrily points and shouts “Candy! Candy! CANDY!!!!!” lol Yes. Monsters. Every one of them.

These Halloween candy people are such an ADORABLE and easy treat idea to send to school or give out as party favours! And it's easy to make them peanut free and school safe. So cute!

Needless to say, my kids were drooling when they saw these Halloween Candy People. My 4 year old called them candy dolls. Or maybe that was my husband? Either way, it’s kind of fitting. Aren’t they adorable!? Talk about a fun idea for sending Halloween treats to school! And they don’t even take long to put together!

I was inspired by the candy men over at Trey and Lucy. Such a simple and easy Halloween treat idea!

Halloween Candy People

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Round chocolate Halloween Faces

  • Rockets

  • Mini Chocolate Bars

  • Glue Gun

  • Ribbon

I bought all of the candy at Walmart. The rockets came in an enormous bag, but conveniently had both short and long sizes, which was absolutely PERFECT for the arms and legs. No worries though if you can’t find the short size. Equal sized arms and legs will still work perfectly well.

These Halloween candy people are such an ADORABLE and easy treat idea to send to school or give out as party favours! And it's easy to make them peanut free and school safe. So cute!

I couldn’t find a bag of chocolate faces on their own, but this bag of Halloween Milk Chocolates had some super cute pumpkin faces, dracula faces and witch faces.  It also had pumpkin balls and oval ghosts that I didn’t use here, but I’ll just give them out on Halloween.

These Halloween candy people are such an ADORABLE and easy treat idea to send to school or give out as party favours! And it's easy to make them peanut free and school safe. So cute!

Now the fun part! Choose what body parts you want your Halloween character to have. I really liked the look of the Twix, Mr. Big, and the Wunderbars for the bodies, but you can pretty much choose any of your favourites.

These Halloween candy people are such an ADORABLE and easy treat idea to send to school or give out as party favours! And it's easy to make them peanut free and school safe. So cute!

Start by gluing the face to the FRONT of the mini chocolate bar. Don’t go too crazy with the hot glue or your chocolate could melt. Just use enough to make sure it’s held firmly in place.

These Halloween candy people are such an ADORABLE and easy treat idea to send to school or give out as party favours! And it's easy to make them peanut free and school safe. So cute!

Next, flip it over and glue the arms on the BACK of the mini chocolate bar, right on the top part of the wrapper.

These Halloween candy people are such an ADORABLE and easy treat idea to send to school or give out as party favours! And it's easy to make them peanut free and school safe. So cute!

And again on the BACK of the mini chocolate bar, glue the legs on. But this time, make sure you put your glue dot a little higher than the bottom edge of the wrapper. Otherwise your candy person will have very thin looking hip joints.

These Halloween candy people are such an ADORABLE and easy treat idea to send to school or give out as party favours! And it's easy to make them peanut free and school safe. So cute!

See how the legs are glued on slightly higher onto the chocolate bar below? You can play around with it, but I preferred the way it looked done this way.

These Halloween candy people are such an ADORABLE and easy treat idea to send to school or give out as party favours! And it's easy to make them peanut free and school safe. So cute!

Then flip it over and BAM you have a candy character! So simple!

These Halloween candy people are such an ADORABLE and easy treat idea to send to school or give out as party favours! And it's easy to make them peanut free and school safe. So cute!

Here’s my little collection with Dracula, the Pumpkin Man and a Witch.

These Halloween candy people are such an ADORABLE and easy treat idea to send to school or give out as party favours! And it's easy to make them peanut free and school safe. So cute!

And then if you want, you can loop a ribbon around their necks. I’m not sure why, but it gives them a more complete look in my opinion. Plus, you can print out little labels and attach them to the ribbon. You know, something like a “Happy Halloween, From Johnny” kind of thing.

These Halloween candy people are such an ADORABLE and easy treat idea to send to school or give out as party favours! And it's easy to make them peanut free and school safe. So cute!

I cut out the ribbon, and then used a drinking glass to tie the ribbon. Make sure you tie a double knot before you make the bow, otherwise it won’t be very secure.

These Halloween candy people are such an ADORABLE and easy treat idea to send to school or give out as party favours! And it's easy to make them peanut free and school safe. So cute!

Then loop the ribbon round the neck or under the armpits. I was going for a “bow around the neck” look rather than a “hanging from a noose” look. Hopefully I managed that? My husband said it still looked like I was hanging these poor guys. Oh well. I tried.

These Halloween candy people are such an ADORABLE and easy treat idea to send to school or give out as party favours! And it's easy to make them peanut free and school safe. So cute!

This candy Dracula cracks me up. Such a happy looking candy man!

These Halloween candy people are such an ADORABLE and easy treat idea to send to school or give out as party favours! And it's easy to make them peanut free and school safe. So cute!

And then here’s the Witch:

These Halloween candy people are such an ADORABLE and easy treat idea to send to school or give out as party favours! And it's easy to make them peanut free and school safe. So cute!

And the Pumpkin looking scarecrow man:

These Halloween candy people are such an ADORABLE and easy treat idea to send to school or give out as party favours! And it's easy to make them peanut free and school safe. So cute!

These would make great Halloween party favours. Or if you’re really feeling ambitious you could make a bunch and give them out to trick-or-treaters! (I can pretty much guarantee I’m not that ambitious, but you never know, maybe if the kids are willing to help me make them one year I could try it?)

These Halloween candy people are such an ADORABLE and easy treat idea to send to school or give out as party favours! And it's easy to make them peanut free and school safe. So cute!

These Halloween candy people are such an adorable and EASY treat idea to send to school! You can pick and choose your favourite candy bars with enough flexibility to make them completely peanut free and school friendly. So cute!

If you’re looking for more fun treat ideas to send with the kids to school, check out our lolly pop ghosts. These are really easy to make and end up looking adorably spooky!


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