I find that it’s a lot easier to please my kids when their snacks are just a little bit out of the ordinary. And these mini alphabet melon skewers are such a fun snack idea! You can make anything more appealing to kids if you put it on a skewer and even better if it’s their name! My girls couldn’t get enough of the mini letter melon pieces! We definitely lost a few letters to some taste testing, but that’s no problem for me – it’s all fresh fruit!
I ordered these mini alphabet cookie cutters on Amazon. It took a few weeks for them to be delivered, but it was worth the wait because they are SO CUTE! And they are perfect for cutting melon pieces! I’ve only had them for a few days, so I’m not sure what else I’ll do with them? But I love how small they are! I doubt I’ll be making tiny letter cookies, but I’m sure I can find some other foods to cut into fun letter shapes!
Since it’s the middle of summer, we had lots of fresh fruits to choose from at the grocery store. I used watermelon, honeydew melon and cantaloupe.
Cut the melons in quarters, and then cut out slices that are about 1/4″ to 1/2″ thick. You’ll want to get the slices to be even and parallel on all sides, otherwise your letters will be slanted.
Don’t make them too much thicker than 1/2″ though or the cookie cutter won’t go through. (Yes, we got the cutters stuck in a few melon pieces.)
Push the cookie cutters into the melon, making sure they go all the way through. Pull them out, and then gently use the tip of the skewer to push the melon pieces out of the cutter. It’s really easy to poke holes in the letters, so be careful as you push them out.
Gently slide the letters onto the skewer, centering them the best that you can.
I used my flower and star cookie cutters to cut out shapes of watermelon and cantaloupe to go on the skewers with the letters.
Wouldn’t these be great to put in school lunches as a fun treat? You could even spell out an encouraging message.
Since my girls only have four letter names, it was nice and easy for them to make their own names.
Now poor Ben on the other hand, his name was apparently too long for me to handle… haha
I didn’t notice until I was skewering his name that I completely forgot the letter “A”. So I had to go back afterwards to add it back in. Oops!
The cantaloupe and the honeydew melons worked really well for the letters. They were firm enough that the letters would come out cleanly from the cookie cutters.
I did manage to get the letters cut out from the watermelon, but the pieces were much more fragile. So it was really tricky to get them out of the cookie cutters and onto the skewer without breaking them.
These mini alphabet melon skewers are a fun and healthy summer snack idea! The kids will be excited to help you make them, and excited to eat them! You could use any selection of melons or other firm fruits like apples, or pears. Or you could use cucumber, carrots and even cheese. With these awesome mini alphabet cookie cutters, you can easily create a wonderfully healthy snack that they’ll love!
Source : onelittleproject.com
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