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Fizzy fun with baking soda and dyed vinegar!

Leah and I did the coolest activity today – fizzy fun with baking soda and dyed vinegar! Remember at science fairs when you were younger, there was always a kid who did a volcano out of vinegar and baking soda?  Well, this is the same idea, except toned down to a miniature and contained eruption rather than overflowing the whole container. (Because I know I don’t want to be cleaning that up!)  I remember playing  with baking soda and vinegar when I was little and thinking it was pretty darn neat, and I though this was pretty darn neat  too!

You’ll need a glass baking dish, baking soda, vinegar, food colouring, some small bowls and an eye dropper or small spoon.

toddler activity paint baking soda with vinegar

Pour as much vinegar as you’d like into the bowls.  We ended up using more vinegar than I show in the picture below because Leah was going through it too quickly and needed more.  I put two drops of food colouring into each of the bowls, but the colour wasn’t very dark.  Next time I’ll probably add more food colouring to get a darker tinge.

dropping blue food colouring into vinega

I made a coloured vinegar bowl for red, green, yellow, and blue, each of the colours included in my food colouring box.  I didn’t feel like mixing purple or orange today.

bowls of vinegar dyed with food colouring

Remember how I’ve been trying to get the smoke smell out of Leah’s headboard by using baking soda?  Well, there was plenty leftover, so I just poured that into the glass baking dish instead of throwing it out.  That baking soda is getting a lot of mileage!

toddler activity paint baking soda with vinegar

Use an eye dropper to squeeze the coloured vinegar onto the baking soda and watch it bubble and fizz.

toddler activity paint baking soda with vinegar

Leah thought it was pretty cool.  It satisfied her desire to paint something, without the mess of pulling out the paint brushes… although, now that I think about it, I suppose this did have a bit of clean up work too, but it was worth it.

toddler activity paint baking soda with vinegar

Can’t you just hear the fizzing sound with this next photo?  I’m not sure if I had more fun with this, or if Leah did!

toddler activity paint baking soda with vinegar

Leah will be 3 next month and she was kind of struggling with the eye dropper, so we eventually switched to a 1/4 tsp measuring spoon and she seemed to have much more luck with it.


And this is what our “painting” ended up looking like before it was time to clean it all up.  The coolest, crazy, fizzy painting activity ever.  It was kind of the same stress relief as popping bubble wrap, but not loud and annoying. IMG_7858

A very fun activity for kids of any age!  We had fun with it together for about an hour.  I knew my giant 4L bottle of vinegar would come in handy!

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