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Easy Two Bite Brownie Treats | Easy Easter Treats

Try making these super easy two bite brownie treats if you are looking for new and fun Easter treats this year!  If I had more time I could slave away in the kitchen baking these from scratch, and I’m sure they would taste amazing.  But if you are short on time, like most of us are, these taste just as good if you use store bought two bite brownies (maybe even better?).  I love it when something looks impressive, but only takes a few minutes to make!

Easy Two Bite Brownie Treats - Put store bought brownies in a small cupcake liner.  They fit perfectly!

All you need are two bite brownies, some small paper cupcake liners, green icing in a pre-made tube, Wilton Tip #233 and a decorating coupler. The icing tip and coupler screw right onto the tube of icing making cleanup a breeze.

Easy Two Bite Brownie Treats - Put store bought brownies in a small cupcake liner.  They fit perfectly!

So this is where you kind of cheat a little bit.  If you put pre-made two bite brownies into small cupcake liners, no one will ever know that you didn’t make them yourself!  They fit perfectly!

Easy Two Bite Brownie Treats - Put store bought brownies in a small cupcake liner.  They fit perfectly!

Eventually the liner starts to stick to the brownie and it makes it look even more like you made them yourself.  Except, that if you did make them yourself, the liners would be discolored from having the wet brownie batter in them and then baking them.  These end up looking very neat and tidy.

Easy Two Bite Brownie Treats - Put store bought brownies in a small cupcake liner.  They fit perfectly!

I LOVE this Wilton decorating tip (#233) for making grass and hair.  It’s so easy to use and the results turn out surprisingly great, even for me as a beginner.  The green pre-made icing is really convenient too.  I was so happy I didn’t need to make a huge batch of icing, only to use a small amount for these brownies.  When you are done with the tube, screw the lid back on, and you can save it for next time.

Easy Two Bite Brownie Treats - Put store bought brownies in a small cupcake liner.  They fit perfectly!

Start by squeezing a small amount of icing onto the brownie, lifting after you’ve squeezed a bit to get more of a “grassy” look:

Easy Two Bite Brownie Treats - Put store bought brownies in a small cupcake liner.  They fit perfectly!

Continue covering the brownie using the same technique.  Squeeze, pull away a bit, stop squeezing, repeat.  You can do this until you have the amount of icing you want:

Easy Two Bite Brownie Treats - Put store bought brownies in a small cupcake liner.  They fit perfectly!

And when you are done, place a mini egg right in the middle, like it’s in a nest:

Easy Two Bite Brownie Treats - Put store bought brownies in a small cupcake liner.  They fit perfectly!

I love these!  So easy and they end up making surprising delicious dessert:

Easy Two Bite Brownie Treats - Put store bought brownies in a small cupcake liner.  They fit perfectly!

You can also use the same technique on a full sized cupcake and add 3 mini eggs to the center.  The one below is from the same batch of cupcakes I used for the springtime budding cupcakes from last week.

Easy Two Bite Brownie Treats - Put store bought brownies in a small cupcake liner.  They fit perfectly!

They look so impressive lined up on a tray, don’t you think?

Easy Two Bite Brownie Treats - Put store bought brownies in a small cupcake liner.  They fit perfectly!

My girls loved these… not surprisingly.  They were at my feet the whole time I was icing them begging to try. I’m pretty sure it was the green icing that won them over!

Easy Two Bite Brownie Treats - Put store bought brownies in a small cupcake liner.  They fit perfectly!

I don’t have high expectations for anything that comes out of a tube, but I can definitely recommend this icing.  It was sweet, but not too sweet, and it taste like normal icing, rather than having some processed chemical flavour you’d expect from a tube.  I love anything that I can make quickly with minimal effort!

Easy Two Bite Brownie Treats - Put store bought brownies in a small cupcake liner.  They fit perfectly!

Set these out on a tiered plate, or even on a regular serving tray.  Use the leftover mini eggs to decorate the plate.  Some kids may only want the chocolate egg anyway, so you might as well make them easily accessible so you don’t have a bunch of abandoned brownies missing their eggs.

Easy Two Bite Brownie Treats - Put store bought brownies in a small cupcake liner.  They fit perfectly!

Make these easy two bite brownie treats the next time you need to send a treat to school for a spring time party, or make a plate of them to set out at Easter.  They take less than 15 minutes to make from start to finish, and you end up with a very bright and cheerful treat to add to a dessert plate.  It’s a terrific idea if you are looking for easy Easter treats. And since they are two bite brownies, with icing and chocolate, they of course taste amazing too!

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