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Welcome to the New One Little Project!

I’m so excited to finally unveil the new website design we have been working on!  One Little Project has a brand new logo and branding, and a whole new design to go along with it.


I’ve been blogging since 2012 and until today, I have been using a free WordPress theme.  Most of you probably don’t know what that means, but lets just say that it made it REALLY difficult to make any changes to my site. Which is why One Little Project looked pretty much the same from the day I created it until this morning when we switched over to the new design.

A few months ago, I read an article by a successful blogger that said if you want to be taken seriously in the blogging world, you need to get yourself a professionally designed website.  So I hired a fabulous graphic designer and we went about creating a site that I can really customize and be proud of.  As much as I would love to fool myself, I am just not a graphic designer so I definitely needed some professional help!

Hopefully this website is easier to navigate, and easier on the eyes. My hope is to make it obvious where you can sign up to subscribe to our weekly newsletter and how to connect on social media sites. Did you know that if you subscribe to One Little Project, I’ll send an email once a week with a roundup of all the posts from that week, making it much easier to keep up with all of the projects here?  You can sign up by entering your email in the side bar or at the bottom of this page and you can unsubscribe at any time.

We still have a few things to work out as this website switches over to the new design, so things might look strange or not work properly until we get it all sorted out.  If you happen to notice that anything looks off, or that something doesn’t work properly, please leave a comment below!  Everything should be ready to go and back to the new normal, very soon!


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