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Make Ahead Protein Packed Breakfast Bites

What’s breakfast like at your house? Because around here, breakfast (and mornings in general…) are craaaaazy. Three kids to get dressed. Two ponytails to put together. Lunches to pack. Breakfast to get on the table. Phew! Not to mention the cute little 4 year old who comes into my bedroom early in the morning, turns on the lights and shouts enthusiastically, “Time to get up Mommy! It’s morning time!” and tugs on my arm until I give up on the idea of getting just another 15 minutes of sleep.

I used to eat the same breakfast every single day (I guess I’m kind of boring that way?), but now I’m lucky if I even get to sit down at the breakfast table. I still have my two coffees every morning. (Priorities, right?) But breakfast is kind of random. Sometimes cereal. Sometimes leftovers. Sometimes crackers. Ha. That’s my life right now!

These protein packed breakfast bites are so awesome if you have a busy breakfast routine! (or lack thereof…) You can make them ahead of time, freeze them, and pull them out as you need to. And best of all, each one has about 3 grams of protein! They make a great snack too when you need a little boost!

These protein packed breakfast bites are AWESOME if you have a busy breakfast routine! So delicious and best of all, each one has about 3 grams of protein!

Best of all, they are crazy simple to make. And you all know I LOVE things that are simple! My 4 year old loved them too. She ate five for her snack yesterday, which was just fine by me!

Protein Packed Breakfast Bites

The full printable recipe is at the bottom of this post, but here’s what you’ll need:

  • Blueberry Greek Yogurt

  • Granola

  • Mixed Berries

It really doesn’t matter what brands you use. I know some people are really picky about their greek yogurt, so go ahead and choose your favourite. Or if you don’t like greek yogurt, use regular yogurt. It won’t have the same protein punch, but it will still be super healthy. And afterall, you’re the one who is eating it, so I want you to be happy.

These protein packed breakfast bites are AWESOME if you have a busy breakfast routine! So delicious and best of all, each one has about 3 grams of protein!

This is the perfect time to pull out your mini muffin tin!

These protein packed breakfast bites are AWESOME if you have a busy breakfast routine! So delicious and best of all, each one has about 3 grams of protein!

Place your favourite cupcake liners in the bottom of the mini muffin tin and cover the bottom of each cup with granola. I broke the larger pieces of granola apart using my fingers.

I fell in love with these natural brown cupcake liners. Somehow the natural colour made these breakfast bites taste even healthier. I’m not sure how that’s possible, but I guess I’m impressionable that way.

These protein packed breakfast bites are AWESOME if you have a busy breakfast routine! So delicious and best of all, each one has about 3 grams of protein!

Next, fill them with the greek yogurt and use your spoon to evenly spread it out in the cup. I filled them pretty much to the top.

These protein packed breakfast bites are AWESOME if you have a busy breakfast routine! So delicious and best of all, each one has about 3 grams of protein!

Finally, add your favourite berries on top.

These protein packed breakfast bites are AWESOME if you have a busy breakfast routine! So delicious and best of all, each one has about 3 grams of protein!

That’s it, folks!These protein packed breakfast bites are AWESOME if you have a busy breakfast routine! So delicious and best of all, each one has about 3 grams of protein!

Pop them in the freezer for 1 to 3 hours until the yogurt starts to solidify. They taste the best when they’re still slightly soft, but you can microwave them to defrost slightly if you need to. No problem either way.

These protein packed breakfast bites are AWESOME if you have a busy breakfast routine! So delicious and best of all, each one has about 3 grams of protein!

These literally take 5 minutes to prepare (before freezing, of course). So easy!

These protein packed breakfast bites are AWESOME if you have a busy breakfast routine! So delicious and best of all, each one has about 3 grams of protein!

Help yourself, and then throw the leftovers into a freezer bag to save for the rest of the week!

These protein packed breakfast bites are AWESOME if you have a busy breakfast routine! So delicious and best of all, each one has about 3 grams of protein!

Make Ahead Protein Packed Breakfast Bites

They're an awesome make-ahead breakfast if you need something quick to grab for the road!

Prep Time5 mins
Total Time5 mins

Servings: 12


  • Blueberry Greek Yogurt 1 container, 500g
  • Granola
  • Fresh Berries raspberries, blueberries and blackberries


  • Line a mini muffin tin with your favourite cupcake liners.
  • Add enough granola to cover the bottom of each cup. Approximately 1 to 2 teaspoons each. Break apart the larger pieces of granola with your fingers.
  • Fill the cups with greek yogurt, almost to the top. Approximately 1.5 Tablespoons each.
  • Add fresh berries to the top.
  • Freeze for 1 to 3 hours until the yogurt starts to harden.
  • Store the rest in a freezer bag and grab your breakfast to go for the rest of the week!

These protein packed breakfast bites are AWESOME if you have a busy breakfast routine! So delicious and best of all, each one has about 3 grams of protein!

These breakfast bites are so simple to make! They’re an awesome make-ahead breakfast if you need something quick to grab for the road. If you keep them stashed in the freezer, you’ll have them on hand for  a quick breakfast or a healthy little snack boost during the day. The combination of the yogurt and granola is delicious!

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