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Gift Wrapping with Tissue Paper Flowers

I absolutely love receiving gifts that are beautifully wrapped! There is something so special about knowing someone took the time to thoughtfully wrap a gift.  And one of my very favourite things is pulling the ends of a long, silky ribbon to untie a simple bow on top of a gift box.  Can’t you feel it?  Or am I the only one who thinks that is the most utterly enjoyable feeling?

Gift wrapping with tissue paper flowers is a simple way to wrap gifts, but it looks so beautiful!  This would be perfect for Mother's Day!

Gift wrapping with tissue paper flowers is a simple way to wrap gifts, but it ends up looking so beautiful!  I got the inspiration for this from 33 Shades of Green.


Start with a single piece of tissue paper and cut it into rectangles or squares about 5″ to 8″ wide depending on the size of your box.  It’s a pretty forgiving project so it doesn’t matter if your pieces don’t line up properly or if there’s a fold down the middle of it like there is in mine below.  You just need to stack 6 to 8 pieces of identically sized tissue paper.


Then you fold up the bottom, accordion style, by about 3/4 of an inch.  I don’t know what inspired me to photograph white tissue paper on a white background! Sorry if this is a little hard to see!


Keep folding accordion style until you’ve gotten to the end.


Next, take a small piece of wire and wrap it around the mid point of the accordion.  I use jewellery wire, but whatever you have on hand will work.


Next, you have to cut off the tips of the tissue paper to make the flower texture.  Choose your shape below depending on which flower you want and cut both ends of the tissue paper in roughly the same shape.

Gift wrapping with tissue paper flowers is a simple way to wrap gifts, but it looks so beautiful!  This would be perfect for Mother's Day!

Start by pulling apart the first layer of tissue paper.


Continue pulling apart the layers of tissue paper until they are all poofy and flower like.  Repeat for both ends.


Just make sure you only pull them towards one side, otherwise you’ll end up with a pom pom instead of a flower.  The bottom side of the flower (in my photo, the part that’s touching the table) should lie flat.


I love brown craft paper.  It’s such a simple material, but it makes gifts look so pretty! These gifts are wrapped in plain craft paper and then tied with a light green satin ribbon on them. Even just the craft paper and the satin ribbon are pretty on their own!

Gift wrapping with tissue paper flowers is a simple way to wrap gifts, but it looks so beautiful!  This would be perfect for Mother's Day!

If you are happy stopping there with the wrapping, by all means!  It looks pretty too!  But if you are going to add the tissue paper flowers, tie the wire from the tissue paper flower around the satin ribbon to hold it in place.  How pretty is this?

Gift wrapping with tissue paper flowers is a simple way to wrap gifts, but it looks so beautiful!  This would be perfect for Mother's Day!

You can leave the ribbon as long as you like, but I trimmed mine back so it was only a few inches long.

Gift wrapping with tissue paper flowers is a simple way to wrap gifts, but it looks so beautiful!  This would be perfect for Mother's Day!

You can see how the differently shaped tissue paper ends make different types of flowers.  You can even switch up the colours of tissue paper so you have two colours in one flower, like I did with the yellow and white one below.  My favourite is the white hydrangea.  So pretty!

Gift wrapping with tissue paper flowers is a simple way to wrap gifts, but it looks so beautiful!  This would be perfect for Mother's Day!

These are perfect for spring!  It’s amazing how plain jane brown craft paper can be dressed up so nicely with ribbon and tissue paper!

Gift wrapping with tissue paper flowers is a simple way to wrap gifts, but it looks so beautiful!  This would be perfect for Mother's Day!

These would be fantastic for Mother’s Day!  Or you could use this wrapping method for any girly event – bridal showers, baby showers, a friend’s birthday.  It’s so much more creative (and beautiful!) than regular wrapping paper.  With just a few extra minutes of prep, you end up with a gorgeous looking gift for someone special.


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